IQM support in NetRadiant

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IQM support in NetRadiant

Post by illwieckz »

Hi, just this topic to show off some improvements I'm doing on NetRadiant side!

Some month ago I imported in NetRadiant code base an IQM plugin from AARadiant (a radiant spin from Alien Arena). the IQM format or InterQuake Model format is the model format we use and recommend. But this plug-in was incomplete and only loaded the meshes without texturing them. So I improved this plugin to apply textures too!

See these screenshots with some iqm entity models:


See this screenshot with some iqm misc_models:


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Re: IQM support in NetRadiant

Post by Viech »

The turrets in the last screenshot appear to be flying. If they are rendered correctly ingame then this may be a general mismatch.

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Re: IQM support in NetRadiant

Post by illwieckz »

I'm not sure they are rendered at all in game… And by the way in-game zoffset is broken: a lot of models have to be configured to use a wrong zoffset in engine to be rendered correctly. At first I applied the game configurations (rotation, scaling, offset) to the models until I discovered the ground positions was the right ones but had to be broken to be displayed correctly in game. So perhaps this screenshot was taken when I mistakenly applied the wrong offset outside of the engine. Only scale and rotation has to be applied outside of the engine if we want to render models without transformation outside of the engine, zoffset looks to be a workaround to a bug. I don't know is the zoffset bug is linked to the fact the buildable models are mistakenly scaled twice, I think not because the wrong zoffset still has to be applied even if the models don't have to be scaled because they were scaled at build time.

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Re: IQM support in NetRadiant

Post by illwieckz »

I forgot to say it, but the q3map2 code in NetRadiant repository is now also able to bake iqm models in maps.

There are two ways to include models in maps:
  • as models that will be loaded by the engine (like a it does with player models), and it will be lit by the lightgrid,
  • baked in the final BSP geometry, which means lightmap can be computed on it.
While the second option makes possible to bake lightmaps on models, baking the model may change the geometry a bit and it can affect negatively normal mapping and things like that, especially on curves.

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