Suggestion: asking for Weapon handling code from TC:E?

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Re: Suggestion: asking for Weapon handling code from TC:E?

Post by seana11 »



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Re: Suggestion: asking for Weapon handling code from TC:E?

Post by ViruS »

AFAIK for those who can't time ahead, or simply spam dodge in mid-battle won't do well.
1.Me, versus you. Generally, "you" would be a person on the other side of the world from me so hence we would at least have a 300 ping delay inbetween.
You see me pounce to "you", you dodge sideways. Sadly, my ping is so great that I didn't even see you dodge, until I touch you, then you dodge sideways, only to be hit 300 msec later by my pounce.

  1. Due to my usual 300+ping, dodge is only usefull againts straight-on attacks in places such as ATCS hallway. As soon as I see a dragoon, I only get a split second of fire [i.e. I shoot one shell of pellets from my shotgun] then immediately dodge sideways. This way, on the server if the other player is a low pinger, he sees me dodge just before he reaches me from his point of view. However this doesn't always work, since not everyone plays on their local servers only, e.g. me.

  2. The problem about dodge is that it "stuns" you for a few msec as soon as you land, where your speed kinda halves and restricts you from jumping again to maintain momentum so dodge is more useless than ever in unvanquished IMHO.

  3. The only other use I have for dodge is for gaining instant speed from the top of a cliff of some sort, but if it's jumping the ATCS gap, i'd rather circle/strafe jump it, where it uses less stamina.

Hence dodge is currently one of the most useless features now. Usingdodge will only make you black out faster.

Wait, why the hell am I debating?


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Re: Suggestion: asking for Weapon handling code from TC:E?

Post by seana11 »

I have played people who know how to use dodge, and it is the most frustrating thing to lose as a dragoon to a rifle with no armor.


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Re: Suggestion: asking for Weapon handling code from TC:E?

Post by ViruS »

seana11 wrote:

I have played people who know how to use dodge, and it is the most frustrating thing to lose as a dragoon to a rifle with no armor.

I've also had a (many, refering to PaN61 and his high k/d ratio) similar experience last year on trem 1.1 where pan simply sprinted and strafed the whole match through with blaster and light armour. At the time the server was lagged but we only had 98 ping so it shouldn't be that hard to hit, yet he kept bullying me :/

But seriously, if used properly, you won't need dodge.

You get an achievement in AussieAssault called "That Tickled!" if you kill a tyrant using a rifle and dealing at leas 50% damage [200 damage, since it's tremulous 1.1]. Right now the achievements aren't working though, since the current statistics board is equip to unvanquished instead of its 1.1 server.


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Re: Suggestion: asking for Weapon handling code from TC:E?

Post by velociostrich »

We're waaaaaaaaaay off topic now, people.

poVoq, I have to say I agree with you. Having played TC:E and TC:E CQB myself, I know how unexplainably incredible it feels. I never found much use for the free look, though like you say, it looks damn impressive. I'd strongly suggest that everyone on the team give CQB a try at some point just to understand what it is we're talking about.

I'll try to explain what is different about the weapon aiming:

  • The arms are not staticly fixed in front of the player's view; the player's shoulders and legs are also modeled. When looking directly down, the player can see their feet move fairly realistically and always moving in the direction of the player's movement and not necessarily the same direction that the player is looking (looking is independent).

  • Rather than the entire view rotate when the player aims, there is a virtual "box" on the center of screen (similar to how many Wii shooters function) wherein the crosshair moves without affecting the view. Only when the crosshair is moved to the edge of this box and the mouse continues moving does the view begin to rotate in any direction. The player's arms and weapon move to reflect the location of the crosshair. While this may sound trivial, I have found that it makes aiming easier and just feels so good. (Ah aiming system, why you feel so good / aiming system, just like an aiming system should ;))

  • The free look system allows the player to look away from the direction that their weapon is facing. If the weapon is fired while the player is looking away, it will fire in whatever direction it is facing, independent of the direction the player is looking. Using this feature requires holding a button assigned to free looking; upon releasing said button, the view immediately snaps back to the same direction as the weapon.

  • Using weapon optics does not hide the rest of the player's view. Instead, that which is outside of the player's depth of field (which shifts to the optics) is blurred. The aiming box continues to function as before. As an extra bit of eye candy, if the player looks away from a weapon with optics fitted to it, the optical vignette moves and changes size realistically. (Anyone who has fired a rifle with a scope knows what I am talking about.)

All in all, it just feels fantastic; better than any AAA game I have ever played.

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Re: Suggestion: asking for Weapon handling code from TC:E?

Post by KenuR »

It sounds awesome, but it would probably take a huge amount of time and effort to implement, wouldn't it?

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Re: Suggestion: asking for Weapon handling code from TC:E?

Post by poVoq »

Well that is the point... if the TCE developer agrees to release the code, it would be trivial to transfer (I think) as it runs on the Wolf:ET engine, which is also the original grandfather of the Demon Engine Unvanquished uses.

@velociostrich: thanks for brining it back on topic. How about asking Coroner then? A PM on the TC:E forum should do the trick, but I really think it should be done by an official UNV developer and not just "some guy".
If fact recently he expressed interest in working with an updated Wolf:ET engine, if someone was to make a stable version (previously he had bad experiences with OpenWolf and Xreal)... now Demon is based on that, but I think it has focused more on stability and not featuritis ;) so maybe that would be also worth an offer (e.g. make TC:CQB an Unvanqished mod). However somewhere in the same forum he said that he would still keep the mod code closed then :(

Edit: Link: ... e1628c9631 (scroll down a bit)

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Re: Suggestion: asking for Weapon handling code from TC:E?

Post by ViruS »

I already saw that in the u2b video [well, first few seconds since it took too long to load] but doesn't seem suitable for unvanquished's gameplay, unless we do something like say, decrease g_speed default to like 200.


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Re: Suggestion: asking for Weapon handling code from TC:E?

Post by banksy »

I miss tc:e. A pity the latest release isn't available on Mac.

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Re: Suggestion: asking for Weapon handling code from TC:E?

Post by gavlig »

oh yes, tc:e was damn good. I have to agree with poVoq about frustrating feeling on human weapon handling, it is really there :) Though i think we can just improve walking and looking animations in order to fix that. Free-look is awesome and i would be happy to see it in Unv, but most dev guys don't like iron sights, so it doesn't seem to be an option.

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