Humans are way OP

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Humans are way OP

Post by constatinus »

MG turrets acctually do something (3 of them can prevent a maraurder from coming), acid tubes don't. They require assistance from the aliens because humans can shoot them from range and they cannot do the opposite. They are not so much ranged. Useless if you place them in a corner that is impossible to find on most maps. 6 mgs can kill a tyrant easily, but a human with a flamethrower can kill up to 10 acid tubes/ spikers / 3 hives and even come out alive! Speaking of hives, they don't chase the enemy for too long.. Also, when fighting a human, it's hard to kill them even if it's a bot especialy with them moving left and right. It would make much more sense to just "swipe" and to the attack, not point and click and hope that he didn't move away. Also, shotgun is very OP. It is a close range weapon, and considering that aliens are also close range and if you move left-right- they won't hit you at all but if you fire about 4/3 direct shots with a shotgun you will pretty much kill them. Is there any way to balance this out?

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Re: Humans are way OP

Post by Viech »

We didn't promise anything like that, because the gameplay is not as broken as both of you suggest. We have played tournaments and lots of development games since we diverged from the somewhat balanced Tremulous and balance was always fine for an in-development game. I suspect aliens are simply much harder to learn because prior shooter experience only benefits the human side, and right now there are not enough matches and more experienced players to learn from. I would agree that the Tyrant needs a rework (it was never really useful in attacking bases while it should be) and that aliens could use more anti-buildable area of effect attacks to punish tight clusters in general. The fact that aliens need to actively defend their base while the human base can defend itself is actually a necessity to balance the alien's ridiculously high mobility and map control.

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Re: Humans are way OP

Post by constantinus »

wow I have almost forgot this game. I didn't even remember my email/password for this forum so I created new one.

6 years have passed and game is still broken? I guess by now you have played a lot of tournament games to conclude the game is unbalanced, right Viech?
Humans can change weapon anytime in their base but aliens need to run away from own base to evolve/devolve when humans are roaming free killing spawns. Humans have explosives, aliens don't. "alien's ridiculously high mobility and map control" LMAO are we playing same game? humans have jet-pack.

So, 6 years have passed; how is the Tyrant now, huh? Is it the ultimate unit now that humans are afraid of?

Are the alien defense buildings worth building now since last time I checked?
Shotgun spread still the same? Its supposed to be close range weapon, but the spread is too small so you can literally use it anytime.

Game needs some serious re-work with weapons, units and buildings because right now its just a worse version of tremulous but with better graphics.

Hows the weekly dev-games going? Are you playing on private servers because public servers are empty all the time.
Engine is outdated compared to today's standards so good luck finding new players.

Anyway, I surely get some replies here but I don't expect some changes. This is just one of these threads that just ends up with nothing.

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Re: Humans are way OP

Post by Sweet »

Welcome back!

MG turrets acctually do something (3 of them can prevent a maraurder from coming), acid tubes don't

I only build eggs. They spawn bots. These days, bots can defend your base rather well.

But to be fair, in late Tremulous, we also used to build eggs almost exlusively. Maybe a two or three trappers.

I guess by now you have played a lot of tournament games to conclude the game is unbalanced

We found that this depends on the circumstances. If you have four users playing against four users, the game seems quite balanced. For fewer users this is not always the case, as a lot of the blance depends on the bots in this case. Especially if one user is playing against four.

aliens need to run away from own base to evolve/devolve when humans are roaming free killing spawns

This has changed.

Humans have explosives, aliens don't.

A suicide rush of 4 advanced marauders has the very same effect. But you need good team coordination for that.

how is the Tyrant now, huh? Is it the ultimate unit now that humans are afraid of?

No. Any concrete suggestions?

public servers are empty all the time

Not all the time. But usually, games happen at afternoons/evenings in europe, see

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