Why not use Rust language for BT (Behavior Tree)?
In Rust, an oriented objects (but not objects), we have:
- enum : https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch06-01- ... -enum.html
- controls flow : https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch03-05- ... -flow.html
- ...
I like how this language working, his compilator that is untolarable.
So, by adding Rust in Unvanquished we can make it more interesting and complex too.
And, needn't to code in C or C++.
And in fact, debuguing current BT language is a pain.
I know, it won't be easy to connect bots to another program.
If there is like an API or something like that, where data for each bot are exported, and command can be read too... will be good.
So, on some more powerfull server we can have more individual bots (and contributions).
Yes, it's a dream.