Janev's gameplay stuff

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Janev's gameplay stuff

Post by janev »

Ok, so I had some time to sit down and put some gameplay stuff down on paper. The purpose of this document is to put forth ways of reworking the tremulous gameplay to: a) make unvanquished its own game and, b) make unvanquished more accessible to newbies than tremulous was.

1) The reward-system needs to be reworked so there is more to making progress than killing

  • Strategic objectives/resources required to win games.
  • Individual rewards need to align incentives between the team and the individual.

2) The class system should be reworked to resemble an RTS.

  • Unit/counter-unit
    Basilisk > CQB > Marauder
    Marauder > Scout > Goon
    Goon > Assault > Basilisk

3) Automatic building

4) Unbaked ideas

  • Alien vampiric healing
  • Alien Traits
  • Leadership
  • Stage 3

1) Rewards
Back in the day I played a lot of battlefield. It was great. It required a lot of teamwork and everybody could take part. The worst you could do is not contribute much to the team effort, there was no feeding that made the enemy stronger, no enemies that got exponentially stronger for every one of your deaths.
For those not familiar with the battlefield concept each team starts out with a countdown counter. When your counter hits zero, you lose. The timer can be stopped by controlling more than half the map; the less you control the faster the counter runs out. Each death knocks off a point from the counter. I think we can rework this system to work for us.

Team objectives/rewards
Let’s define the human resource as <insert good name of energy source>. The alien resource is whatever organism naturally feeds off of the <insert good name of energy source>. Since the humans came to this part of space to harvest the energy they were sure to come into conflict with the aliens.
Each team starts out with a limited supply of their respective resource. The initial resources will not carry a team far, maybe only about 5 – 10 minutes. To get more they have to harvest the extra veins that are spread around the map*. This could either be done by building some structure on them or just by being in the area for long enough. Like any other RTS game the resources per map are finite. Once the raw materials run out both races go about their business elsewhere, there is no longer any point in hanging around. Larger maps would need more players and more harvestable resources.
The resources control everything your team can do. You need a lot of resources to build structures**, a small amount to bring in reinforcements and perhaps even a small amount to equip your team. The game ends when one team runs out of resources. Either they can no longer afford to be there or the area has been fully exploited. Either way they are done. There is no longer any need for sudden death. The worst case scenario is you have a long drawn out stalemate where you kill each other off to the last man. Each spawn costs the team resources.

Individual Rewards
This is a tricky one and I wasn’t able to come up with a complete idea for this section. How do you reward individuals for their contribution to the team without making them overpowered or encouraging annoying behavior? From the newbies point of view people got too powerful too fast in the beginning of the game. Somebody else getting killed was enough to knock you out of the game. So how do we do it?

  • Do you reward them for capturing control points? That would leave newbies out in the rain.
  • Do you reward them for kills? That promotes killwhoring.
  • What about damage to enemy structures? Maybe but this is also not something that will benefit newbies greatly.
  • Get rewarded for damage done outside your own base?
  • Get no individual rewards at all? Instead the whole team gets rewarded when they capture a control point.

2) Class System: I would like to redo the class system all together. Every class should be useful throughout the game. In most RTS games you have unit-counterunit combinations that force people to use different tactics to get where they want to go. The classic age of empires example is how Archer > Heavy infantry > Cavalry > Archer. Even if the other guy is a higher level if you happen to have the right counterunit you can still do some damage.
I think we can carry this over to unvanquished. Units that deal one type of damage are vulnerable to another. For my example we’ll say Stealth > Brute force > Agility > Stealth.

For the aliens the classes would go:
Stealth = Basilisk, Agility = Marauder, Brute force = Goon

On the human side it is not quite that clear cut. The best I can come up with is to have light armor, medium armor and heavy armor classes that correspond with the alien classes. Each class of human has one or two specialty “counter” weapons and access to some of the neutral weapons that are not strong against anything in particular.

For humans the classes would go:
Stealth = Light infantry a.k.a. The Scout, Agility = Medium infantry a.k.a. Assault Trooper, Brute Force = Heavy infantry a.k.a. CQB Specialist
Here is an example how armor choice could influence your access to other gear, specialist counterweapons are marked in bold:
The Scout = light armor, light helmet with radar****, rifle, pulse rifle, lasgun, mass driver, lucifer cannon, timed detonation charge. Generally stuff that makes it strong vs goons, with maybe some crowd control/mobility limiting abilities
Assault Trooper = medium Armor, medium helmet (no radar),jetpack, grenades, extra ammo, rifle, shotgun, pulse rifle
CQB Specialist = heavy armor, rifle, shotgun, flamethrower, chaingun, grenades, fuel grenades that create a powerful combo with the flamethrower

Combining the human and alien counters we get:
Basilisk > CQB > Marauder
Marauder > Scout > Goon
Goon > Assault > Basilisk
To make all of this work serious tweaking would need to be done. The human weapon system would probably have to change so you have 3 basic damage types, each good against a certain alien class. The Basilisk needs to become a lot stronger, perhaps even gain poison and slow abilities by default. The Goon needs to lose some mobility and the marauder is pretty good as is.
If we hang on to the advanced forms of the alien classes I would like there to be more variation involved. I’d prefer that the player chooses to focus on one of his existing abilities instead adding new ones. The basilisk for example could become a crowd control specialist or a dualist. The Goon could focus on tanking or damage dealing. The Marauder could focus on either primary or secondary attack.


3) Building game modes
I have no problem with building in general but I feel there should be a choice. Especially in public play you will have a hard time finding people motivated enough to build in every single game.
If development shifts towards strategic objectives I think it would be a good idea to have the option for the computer to automatically throw up a few buildings when a strategic objective changes hands. Especially with smaller matches having to manually build the bases could become tedious over time.
Here’s an example: Mode 1) Full control over all structures on the map. Mode 2) Control over the structures in the main base. Mode 3) Control over the forward structures. Mode 4) No control over how buildings are built on the map.

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Re: Janev's gameplay stuff

Post by janev »

4) Unbaked Ideas

Alien traits: Not every alien needs to be born equal. Having a small random variation in the aliens would be cool. On the surface it wouldn’t change much for the outcome of battles. What it will do is increase the learning curve adding depth to the game. Spending enough time on the game to familiarize yourself with the individual traits and how they affect the different classes could give you a small advantage. Having the right trait/class combo could mean the difference between life and death.
Examples of traits: Healthy (+5% HP, +50%Healrate), Strong (+5% damage), quick (+5% speed, -2% Health), Resilient (+10% resistance to damage), Flameproof (+30% resistance to fire),

Leadership Bonus: Being near <insert class> increase the damage output of teammates. Alternatively the top scoring player on a team could be automatically assigned as the leader and everyone near him gets the boost.

Get rid of the basilisks healing aura, add a vampiric effect. The basilisk should be in the fight, not stuck as a support class. The aliens are supposed to feed on organic life so why not trigger a small medkit whenever they successfully bite a human. Their health regeneration rate would be (slightly) boosted until they have regenerated a portion of the damage dealt. Effectively this means you are rewarding the aliens who make successful attacks on humans by them not having to leave the front as often to heal.

Stage 3: I don’t see the need for stage 3 evolution forms to be running around for most of the late game. Tyrants are boring, by overusing them they need to be gimped for balance and they lose their holy shit factor. A tyrant should be something that requires many people to take down and a thing to be truly feared. Same goes for the fully upgraded humans. To that end stage three could be limited to one team at a time and you can lose it. You reach stage 3 when you have all of the control points and you need help making the final push into the enemy base. It might also be fun to limit how many tyrants are in play at any given moment. Give it a scarcity value and make it something you have to work for. You could even do something funky like you have to build each tyrant with a granger, they take time and can be destroyed, kind of like a wonder in age of empires… To make it more terrifying there could be a global message that a tyrant is being built. :D

*They could be placed at random locations on the map to keep things interesting
**There still needs to be a cap on the amount of structures in play at a time. Also structures can be made stronger now to make up for the added cost. It should feel like an achievement to take out an automated turret. Taking out the enemy base without first getting all the control points should be VERY difficult.
**** I liked norfenstein’s idea of separating the radar from the helmet so I used it for the scout. The specialty weapons in this example were the mass driver, pulse rifle and flame thrower.

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