is momemtum by building balanced (or should it be)?

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killing time
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Re: is momemtum by building balanced (or should it be)?

Post by killing time »

I don't understand the meaning of those stats like "aliens: regen=9 health=237 BP=8 time=17s"

There is already hysteresis for stage thresholds. Some momentum is added when a team crosses above a threshold. (Probably some is some subtracted when going below also, but not 100% confident.)
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Re: is momemtum by building balanced (or should it be)?

Post by illwieckz »

Off topic: next time, better add a comment asking for moving your thread (you can also identify someone like myself) so we can move it for you.

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Re: is momemtum by building balanced (or should it be)?

Post by Gireen »

Nice observations,
complains about how the momentum system works are increasing, this might help deciding on better changes.

What does increase the momentum?
Building and destroying buildings. Anything else like killing enemys?

I observed many times that aliens take way longer to unlock higher stages, despite them having map control and dominating in confrontations.
But i don't think that the build time is the limiting factor here.
What i also think is annoying it that the slow loss of momentum increases stalemates and makes them worse.
freem wrote: It also favors humans building strong bases and discourages aliens to even try to build too much.
I think that's more a problem cause of the current BP/mining system. It punishes building.

fear ma engrish :granger:

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Re: is momemtum by building balanced (or should it be)?

Post by illwieckz »

Gireen wrote:I observed many times that aliens take way longer to unlock higher stages, despite them having map control and dominating in confrontations.
For example I'm good at harassing bsuit as dretch, even if I die three time to kill one bsuit, I may be efficient enough to prevent two or three bsuits to reach the alien base or do significant damage to alien base in a 5v5 game.

Such kind of verified tactic means the human team would have more momentum but aliens would still have territory control and may be denying humans progression.

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Re: is momemtum by building balanced (or should it be)?

Post by Gireen »

Does the playercount also affect momentum gain/loss?
The current mining system does not punish humans building bunkers
Well they are limited with there resources. If they spam miners and build a bunker then after the miners are destroyed they have a giant BP dept.
For aliens, stage 1 only unlocks dragoon and adv maras, which can't really fight back the rocket launchers.
Maybe then it would be more appropriate to change the unlock threshold for rockets. Humans unlock all buildings, well its only one, relative early compared to aliens.

fear ma engrish :granger:

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Re: is momemtum by building balanced (or should it be)?

Post by killing time »

Check the function UnlockToLockThreshold for the stage threshold hysteresis.
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