Hello there, the second (now sixth) release candidate of 0.52 is out, this time it's fully usable for non-developpers (no need to build the engine oneself).
The binds you can set in 0.52 are not compatible with 0.51, so once you've played the 0.52 release candidate you may experience problems when playing regular 0.51 games.
There is two things you can do (only one of them is needed):
backup your config/keybindings.cfg file (from your user directory) before running that release candidate, and restore it after.
Use a temporary home path, if you know how to run the game by command line, you can run it this way:
Code: Select all
./daemon -homepath tempunvhome
You can then delete the tempunvhome folder after that.
Here is the link to download the release candidate build:
US: unvanquished_0.51.1+20210428-172348+e5b6307+0.52.0-rc6.zip
EU: unvanquished_0.51.1+20210428-172348+e5b6307+0.52.0-rc6.zip
Don't forget that you have to extract by hand the folder containing the engine for your system (like windows-amd64.zip) and the content of it must be placed next to the pkg/ folder in a way it looks like this:
Code: Select all
Let's try this build together, a server running the RC is hosted, you'll find it obviously named “0.52 RELEASE CANDIDATE 6” in the server browser.
Please report issues on our issue tracker.
Let's make the 0.52 release a good one!