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Is there any way to get the game running on Windows XP?
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 8:40 pm UTC
by RaptorHunter182
I have a modern PC build running Windows 11, but I also have a Windows XP build that I like to play on. I have tried to get the game working on it but when I try to launch the 32-bit version of the game (i686) it gives me an error message: "The procedure entry point GetTickCount64 could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll."
Is there anything I could do to get around this or is Windows XP compatability just something that would need to be added in by the devs? Thanks!
Re: Is there any way to get the game running on Windows XP?
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 10:01 pm UTC
by illwieckz
Hi! We don't support Windows XP. We know the engine runs on older versions of Windows than what the updater supports, so i the updater doesn't run, you may download the universal zip and follow the instructions in the README.txt
file in the archive and try by yourself to see if you're lucky.
Edit: By re-reading your comment it looks like you already tried that by the way.
Anyway I doubt it will work as I remember that some years ago, someone already tried Windows Vista (which is more recent than Windows XP !) and already faced troubles.
If I'm right we target Windows 7 as a minimum we take care about.
If the computer is too old to run a newer versions of Windows, you may try to run Linux on it, if the graphics card is recent enough (OpenGL 3 or later), the game should run with correct performances (maybe with a low graphic profile in the options).
Re: Is there any way to get the game running on Windows XP?
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 10:48 pm UTC
by RaptorHunter182
Yea I tried it with the universal zip and that is when I got the error. I have it running Windows XP not because it can't run anything newer but just as a nostalgia thing. Thanks for letting me know though!