Menus aren't really usable on new windows installation

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Menus aren't really usable on new windows installation

Post by PinballSorceror »

I'm running the latest version in windows and when I start it the menus are mostly off the screen and any attempts I made to change the resolution seems to make things worse. Similarly when I do manage to launch a game many of the HUD items are off the screen. Is there a trick to getting the menus to render properly on windows?

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killing time
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Re: Menus aren't really usable on new windows installation

Post by killing time »

  1. Do you have a non-100% scaling setting by any chance? Like ... setup.html

  2. Please paste the contents of the file: Documents\My Games\Unvanquished\daemon.log

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Re: Menus aren't really usable on new windows installation

Post by PinballSorceror »

That does it, however it makes most of my applications difficult to read. The headache here is that I'm looking to make an event out of this for work and was hoping to make a bat file that just launches the game and connects to a server- having to talk a dozen coworkers through scaling/resolution troubleshooting is going to be a bit hard. I don't know why it's a struggle here and not for Enemy Territory Legacy.

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killing time
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Re: Menus aren't really usable on new windows installation

Post by killing time »

We've had one other report of misbehavior while using the scaling setting. However, on my machine Unvanquished behaves fine if I set 150% scaling. So it is hard to fix the bug while no developer can reproduce the issue

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