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Missing or too subtile spec (normal?) maps?

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 4:13 pm UTC
by poVoq

Maybe it is just me, but especially the alien models (both on official screenshots and on my computer) almost seem like they are only flat shaded (diffuse texture only).
Normal maps might not really show much without lots of dynamic lights, but are spec maps implemented? Or are the corresponding textures missing and/or the effect set to be really weak? I think the great alien models would really shine (pun intended) or lets say look much better in game if this could be improved.

Otherwise... well I guess that's part of the idea of this game, but the overall "feel" of the game, i.e. movement, behaviour, sounds etc. (everything but the models) are still very much like Tremulous and thus make the game seem very dated. If at least the sounds would sound less like a game from the 1990ties it would probably help a lot.

Re: Missing or too subtile spec (normal?) maps?

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 6:10 pm UTC
by Viech

The tyrant doesn't have specular maps and I think the current Dragoon doesn't either. Apart from that they should be present. All non-tremulous assets have normal maps, I'm pretty sure of that.

Re: Missing or too subtile spec (normal?) maps?

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 7:58 pm UTC
by poVoq

Dragoon is this one: ... o_mara.png ?
But you are right, the new human buildings for example look like they have a pretty decent spec map.

Re: Missing or too subtile spec (normal?) maps?

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 12:35 pm UTC
by Viech

Nope, that's the Marauder, which should have all the necessary maps.

When our asset base is finished (and we finally have some host for all the source files) I would go over all the textures and try to get them more consistent. It's likely that the different modeleres used different specular intensities and the like.