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Unvanquished is partially PROprietary

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 3:18 pm UTC
by lamefun


Code: Select all

Platform 23


Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 New Zealand (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)


BY-NC-SA is a PROprietary license because of NC. Why?

Re: Unvanquished is partially PROprietary

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:53 pm UTC
by gavlig

Because map maker decided to do so.

Re: Unvanquished is partially PROprietary

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 5:02 pm UTC
by lamefun

And why did project leaders accept it like that?

Re: Unvanquished is partially PROprietary

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 5:18 pm UTC
by gavlig

I'm not a project leader, but I guess because they're not fanatics and cc by-nc-sa is acceptable?

Re: Unvanquished is partially PROprietary

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 5:43 pm UTC
by lamefun
gavlig wrote:

I'm not a project leader, but I guess because they're not fanatics and cc by-nc-sa is acceptable?

Doesn't it make Unvanquished unusable for valid uses like pre-installation in computer clubs or commercial game events? Not to mention Linux distros like Fedora or Debian will never include it in main repositories. Besides, what's the point not making the game free as in freedom in its entirety when you explicitly don't want to make profit of it anyway?

But, well, I can somewhat understand people wanting to publish their work under NoCommercial, but see this.


... Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs ...

So mappers can't adapt the textures even a little (eg. paint them with colors)! NoDerivs so k3wl! Such w0w! Much prot3ctive!

If you ever make a wall that can't properly accommodate any existing tile size / angle...


Ok, maybe it's good for self-sufficient drawings, which usually can't be properly modified without re-drawing the whole thing from scratch, and having them modified hurts the authors' egos, but it's pretty silly to use them for textures, which are tremendously more versatile and useful if they can be adapted for particular map places.

Re: Unvanquished is partially PROprietary

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 5:40 am UTC
by EmperorJack

My texture set is under (by-nc-nd) but there is also a note that lets users modify colours and shaders.

Regarding the non-commerical status. It is not in my interests that someone be able to take my work and on-sell it without asking permission. It is in my understanding an entity such as a computer club or commercial game event would be able to contact me or Unvanquished and arrangements would be made from there to distribute content appropriately.

And why you hating on my texture work hahahaha. Angled surfaces + texture alignment = nightmare.

Re: Unvanquished is partially PROprietary

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 10:40 am UTC
by lamefun

I couldn't find the note, neither in + README +.txt in source ZIP or in tex-tech.txt in the .pk3.

Still, only being allowed to modify colors and shaders is still pretty limiting in my opinion.

Can you provide any rational reason to use NoDerivs at all, besides "I think it's cool", "If someone modifies my work, it'll hurt my feelings"?

Also, do you want to require payment for using these textures in commercial works? Unless you do, there's no rational reason for NonCommercial either.

And no, I'm not hating on your the fact that your textures can't fit into every possible wall, I hate on the license that prohibits everyone but you from fitting them.

Re: Unvanquished is partially PROprietary

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 2:10 pm UTC
by Viech

I don't like the no derivate works clause at all but we're not in the position to reject a single texture set that fits our technical and artistic needs. They're just too rare. (Don't start talking about how many good resources are out there. This is pointless. There aren't any that we're not shipping already.)

I personally love the non-commerical clause. For me, being non-commercial is as important as being open source. I don't care about the opinion of FOSS groups who think that they found the one true definition of freedom too much… However, as a team we do plan to compromise with them by providing a basic version of Unvanquished that does fit their rules. This is why all of our core assets are CC-BY-SA or more permitting. For maps, we plan to have atleast one that fits the criteria as well.