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In Game Call Vote

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 3:10 am UTC

When there is a call vote in game, only (yes) or (no) is visible and not the vote itself. At least it doesn't last on screen for the players to see it. I was playing on the Training server with a couple other players, and we were almost finished with the game, then suddenly there was a call vote. All the players thought it was to extend the game but when I opened the cosole and scrolled up to see exactly what the vote was about, it turned out to be a draw vote. I was about to call on it but it was too late, all players except me pressed F1 and the vote passed. (Nearly 90 Minutes of playing wasted.) The nature of the call vote should also display on screen with highly visible marks and should last until the vote timer expires to prevent this troll voting.

Re: In Game Call Vote

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 8:01 am UTC
by Ishq

This was fixed in alpha 35.