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Rifle Analysis

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 9:42 am UTC
by own3r

Hi Everyone, let's discuss the Marine's Rifle:

The model
Looks pretty good, a few more polygons on the scope maybe, but good.

The recoil
My guess is this is a placeholder.

Recoil force vs time

This is for all intents and purposes an instant force, but the body and arm holding it has a lot more mass than the bullet so takes longer to respond. The body will then slowly stabilise the force with muscle responses but they're only after around 30-100ms after the shot and take up to a few seconds to fully control the gun afterwards.

So therefore the recoil should rise sharply and decay slowly.

The sound

The sound is pretty weak in terms of bass. I think HL2 has exaggerated it here to great effect: ... TKx8A#t=37

The rate of fire

The rate of fire is very high and the damage is very low, could you not leave the average power the same and reduce the rate of fire?
It currently feels like a pea shooter.

The damage

Compared to the base's defences this gun is pretty pathetic, is it not strange that an empty team can repel a small number of players with the static defences alone?
Or that most of the enemy is being killed by the static defences and not the player?

Re: Rifle Analysis

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 1:29 pm UTC
by enneract

The model is a placeholder and will be replaced soon (maybe alpha 31).

The recoil indeed is a placeholder. It will probably be replaced with a procedural approach (instead of animations).

The sound is mediocre and nothing can be done with it (except replacing it).

The rate of fire makes it an excellent weapon against fast aliens (e.g. Dretches) and it deals enough damage to be useful even against bigger aliens. I don't get your complaint about this. What were you expecting from Rifle?

Re: Rifle Analysis

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 5:14 pm UTC
by own3r

I guess I was expecting something which I could use easily I struggled to be effective at all with it and got repeatedly owned by static defences...

Re: Rifle Analysis

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 7:12 pm UTC
by Ishq

The rifle has often been described as over powered for a free weapon. I can consistently kill dragoons with it.