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Human player models

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 2:10 am UTC
by kharnov

Let's take a look at the current state of the human team.

At the moment, the human team will comprise of three separate models, one of which is already in-game and has replaced its Tremulous counterpart. We are working on bringing the other two in-game this year, amongst other things. Unlike models on the alien team, the human player models have access to a broad range of equipment, from armor to gadgets and weapons, all of which must be represented in some form on the model. In addition, human models must have first-person arms as well. Thus, it takes somewhat longer to animate a model for the human team, but how else will you be able to go around shooting up aliens?

Male soldierImage

One of the first models to be completed, work on the male soldier began during pre-alpha, although it wasn't until the summer following our first release that he was finally added to the game. Since then he has received several texture updates, and we have been tinkering with the configurating of his armor to match gameplay changes. At the present time, he can be upgraded to wear either light armor or medium armor, with the former shown in the above screenshot. He can also equip a jetpack or a radar. More may be added in the future, and of course models will be provided for all components.

Female soldierImage

Functionally identical to the male soldier, the female model will use a matching set of equipment, but will naturally come with a separate voice set. The model was finished quite recently, and at the moment we are observing how it looks under our renderer and making any adjustments where appropriate. Once this stage is over with, the model will be added to our animation queue and will be in-game as soon as it's ready.


The largest human player model, the battlesuit will tower over regular soldiers and will provide satisfying metallic stomping sounds. Both soldiers will use the same battlesuit model, but with their original voice, perhaps with a mechanical filter overlaid on top. This model was also finished very recently, and is going through the same observation stage as the female soldier. It is still to be determined how it will be represented in first-person, and we may end up providing it with a set of first-person arms. Thankfully, not all of the human weapons have reload animations, so this will perhaps not be as complicated as it sounds.

Click here to read this article on the main site!

Re: Human player models

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 3:44 am UTC
by majkifajki

Images are broken


Re: Human player models

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 3:49 am UTC
by kharnov

Yeah, just view it on the main page while we sort it out. ... yer-models

Re: Human player models

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 10:53 am UTC
by DwarfVader

nice looking battlesuit replacement - will there be red laserlight coming out of ( at least one of ) the three holes in the helmet?
would be looking good if some sort of "laser-pointer-through-smoke" effect could be added, if walking with this thing through a poisengas cloud or something similar "smokey"...

I also like the exterior, like the shoulder armor pads. I think the standard human model could need some of that as well, to improve the impression of realy having some armor. Instead of just a chainmail textured pjyama with a motorcyle helmet like it is at the moment.

Kharnov, you did mention in a devgame session, that you are currently lacking 1st person modeling artists. I don't know much about the modeling process, but couldn't that be replaced by a certain camera position adjustment via clientside code. So to say, to substitude the need of having the 1st person view always beeing modeled in addition to the 3rd person models and just show them ?
( inspired by something like )
i think the leg movement seen there is from the 3rd person view and isn't extra modeled? -- don't know just an idea ). This way you wouldn't need an additional modeling artist.

But anyway good article - makes you fancy for more :) ... maybee the new chaingun ( replacement )? :P

Sorry for my english and all the () and -- or "<>"


Re: Human player models

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 12:40 pm UTC
by kharnov

Not first-person modeling, but first-person animation we're in need of.

Re: Human player models

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 9:29 pm UTC
by DwarfVader

modeler, animator ... whatever :grin: ...
I mean, is it at all possible to use 3rd person model animation(s) for the 1st person view by just adapting/adjusting the camera position, FoV etc. within the clientside gamelogic? and if so, do you consider such a technique? and if not, why?

In case you do not understand, sorry for my english

Re: Human player models

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 10:05 pm UTC
by kangz

It is not possible to do that because in real life the arms are very low in our field of view and are actually beyond the camera frustum in games.

For example in Mirror's Edge (that has the same animation for third and first person) the third person position is very wrong. You can search for it on youtube.

Re: Human player models

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 11:01 pm UTC
by Viech

In addition to that, the first person hands need to have a higher level of quality (texture resolution, potentially also polygon count) than the hands used on the third person model.

Re: Human player models

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 2:27 pm UTC
by DwarfVader

ah ok ...i now see the quality restrictions. But its a good thing, that you put higher development quality during the development process over usage of availabe resources. Even if that means it will take longer to add visual content to the game ( developers have to be found, stuff has to be "modeled" etc. )

As i am a very impatient person in general and have a weakness for finding synergy effects and optimize the usage of given resources in particular, i thought my idea could (have) help(ed) to speed up the development process :smile: i now see that this isn't possible.
but thank you for the answers, which explain why.

Sorry for my english