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Proposal: Vulture

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:47 pm UTC
by kharnov

I was discussing this with `Ishq a few days ago. I think it's time that we start devoting some serious thought to this. Thus, a whole thread regarding the topic. This may very well be our first major gameplay change. Think carefully.

Basically, a flying alien would provide the alien team with a method of taking down jetpacking humans, and provide some aerial harassment. You can think of it sort of as a marauder, except it works best in large, open spaces, and is better at picking off lone humans than structures. The alien would probably be slaughtered easily in enclosed areas. Like any other alien, it will have to swerve around to avoid most weapons. Projectile weapons like the pulse rifle would probably be useless against it. Your best bet would be to use a flamethrower when it comes close, or a chaingun from a distance.

Let's give this thing a name. I propose that we call it the vulture. If that doesn't sound alien enough, remember that the word granger means "farmer" and that the word tyrant isn't even uncommon. I'm going to go with "vulture" for now, unless someone else figures out an even better name.

The method of flight should not involve insectoid hovering. It should have fairly large, membranous wings that it flaps to produce lift. This would distinguish the vulture from the human method of controlled flight. It would also allow the vulture to move really fast in the air, at the cost of being hard to control. If you stop moving at any point, you should start falling towards the ground quite rapidly.

Flight controls:

  • Forward: move forwards in the direction you're facing! You don't fall downwards as long as you keep moving.

  • Left/right: turn! No, you cannot strafe. How does that make sense while flying?

  • Backwards: no. How the hell do you fly backwards?

  • Space: lift. Pressing this will move you upwards. Thus, if you're not moving forwards, you can just keep hitting space to make you go up a little. It's not like hovering though, because you have to keep hitting it.

As for game mechanics:

  • Health: 100 for regular, 125 for advanced.

  • Cost: 3 for regular, 4 for advanced.

  • Stage: probably stage 2.

  • Size: body is somewhere between the basilisk and marauder. Wingspan can be much wider.

  • Speed: slow as a granger on the ground, but the fastest alien in the air. Do not allow it to fly in vents. Give it a different bbox while flying. Perhaps allow it to wall-walk in ground mode.

  • Attacks: melee attack is probably auto-hit, since it's going to be a bitch to aim while flying. Give it decent damage, but have it take a while between attacks, sort of like a less damaging goon chomp. The advanced form can gain a recharging projectile. Perhaps the projectile has a support role? Give it a wide-area spit blob that slows down humans?

Re: Proposal: Vulture

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:55 pm UTC
by Qrntz
kharnov wrote:

Left/right: turn! No, you cannot strafe. How does that make sense while flying?

Not strafe, but roll/steer. Makes perfect sense to me.
As an example, GL-117 that has both bob (up-down) and roll (rotate left-right) controls in addition to mouse-controlled small arms targeting.

Re: Proposal: Vulture

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 2:55 pm UTC
by Gireen

The ideas of flying aliens in Tremulous are really interesting.

How about making it as a Advanced Dretch with membrane between the legs?

The KoRx Mod had a Flying alien too. The Sritfire a Dragonfly like Alien. It is very weak but can fly fast. To attack Humans it can zap to bring Jets down or throw a acid bomb and recharge it on the booster.

How would it be to add a bigger air Unit to both Teams? AirRant vs RocketSuit :D

Re: Proposal: Vulture

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 11:12 pm UTC
by Eirhjien

Saw a couple different ideas, tried to throw them all together with a little WHAT THE FUCKLE IS THAT!!
Anyway, got me in weird place for monster concepts… Your game is part sci-fi, which is best when it’s insane ideas explained rationally… Part Horror, which is best when it’s realistic with moments of insane irrationality…


Re: Proposal: Vulture

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 11:25 pm UTC
by E-Mxp

What an eldritch abomination! Fantastic!

Should have more eyes though to fit within the other aliens.

Re: Proposal: Vulture

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 11:41 pm UTC
by Khaoz

It would be interesting to make the flight similar to Natural Selection 2 (where you flap your wings [space] to gain height and then glide from there) which makes sense as that's how birds, bats and all that fly. Also a limit to the amount of times you can flap before having to perch, or land.

phpBB [video][/video]

But yea this idea is getting me excited :D

Re: Proposal: Vulture

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 11:47 pm UTC
by gavlig

oh my... Eirhjien, you're a sick bastard! I love you! I will not sleep a couple of nights but that's definitely worth it! That thing is... un-fucking-believable! It's attractive with it disgustingness! We need somebody to model it. NOW!

Re: Proposal: Vulture

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:08 am UTC
by kharnov

Holy shit, Eirhjien. I'm going to have nightmares about that thing!

Re: Proposal: Vulture

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 6:43 am UTC
by Khaoz


my 2-cents

Re: Proposal: Vulture

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:52 am UTC
by chris
Khaoz wrote:


my 2-cents

I like this more!

Eirhjien's vulture looks more scary, but it looks like a deep sea fish to me: