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Re: Introduce Yourself

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:03 am UTC
by chuckfknorris

Hi my name is Chuck and I am likely better than you

I am almost certainly better than you at tremulous
I can make a map a day with any theme, I can create some of the nicest maps around, and it is likely better than yours
I am almost certainly stronger than you. I deadlift 180kg for 10 reps, bench 125kg for 10 reps and squat 170kg for 10 reps
I can run 2.4km in 7 mins 38 seconds
I work full time, own a house, car and numerous housing items

Thanks for listening

Kind regards

Human extraordinaire

Re: Introduce Yourself

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:27 am UTC
by Ivancool

@edu: Cool, if you want to discuss this further, you should hop onto IRC so we can talk to you directly. There is a chatlink on our main page.
@kharnov: He went by Ivancool in all blue.
@Ivancool: Hey, good to see you here. If you remember me, I used to go by Celestial Rage or Solidarity at the time on D*S.

Yep i remember you. Attached image of playing Reversed atcs on D*S painsaw night.

The attachment oldtrem.jpg is no longer available

Re: Introduce Yourself

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:44 am UTC
by Ishq

Haha, blast from the past :p

Re: Introduce Yourself

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:27 am UTC
by ViruS
Ivancool wrote:

Hi, my name is Ivan, played tremulous non-stop from december 2006 to september 2009. Played on:

  • Beer-garden

  • Fragify/BoomBoom_Virginia(name changed after the Virginia tech massacre)

  • Dretch*storm(The best IMO, bouncing barbs FTW!)

  • OPP(0ppressed beerbastard always complaining :-))

  • AA(still alive)

and probably more which i can't remember.
My free time is poor but i can give some help to this project.

Oh so it was dretchstorm with the bouncing granger barbs. I was searching for that server for about a year after d*s (the serer) died.
Also, dretch tsunami was fun as well. If i remmeber correcyly, it was on sundays only or something.... my memory is fading...

And beergarden, i remember a few good games, despite at the time i didnt know it was a lagged server (nor did i know what unlagged was) but i still played with my "unplayable" ping... good times...

Re: Introduce Yourself

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 8:23 am UTC
by danmal
chuckfknorris wrote:

Hi my name is Chuck and I am likely better than you

I am almost certainly better than you at tremulous
I can make a map a day with any theme, I can create some of the nicest maps around, and it is likely better than yours
I am almost certainly stronger than you. I deadlift 180kg for 10 reps, bench 125kg for 10 reps and squat 170kg for 10 reps
I can run 2.4km in 7 mins 38 seconds
I work full time, own a house, car and numerous housing items

Thanks for listening

Kind regards

Human extraordinaire


Re: Introduce Yourself

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 8:31 am UTC
by ViruS

His 2nd point

I am almost certainly better than you at tremulous

only applies to tremulous 1.1. I dunno about his gpp skills, and he did seem to suck when our community tried unvanquished... :P

But he was practically the best aussie for 1.1 games afaik.

Re: Introduce Yourself

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:28 am UTC
by kangz

Hi everyone!

I'm Kangz, and a MS computer-science student at the École polytechnique in France. I am a long-time Tremulous player ( (CY), Welcomed). At the end of my Tremulous career I used to work mainly on the UI of the now dead Tremfusion as well as code some stuff. I've been following UV for some time (in facts since the Volt days) and thought I'd jump in to help when I have more free time.

I'll be idling on both IRC channels.

See you,


Re: Introduce Yourself

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 5:08 pm UTC
by TheMuffinMann

I think I'll also take the libery to introduce myself.

Some of you know me from the past. 1.1 and GPP mainly. Currently I am admin on two GPP servers (EU official and R unlimited CZ) and have currently started supporting the Unvanq Wiki.
I am still a student and will sooner or later finish school. (Within a couple of weeks)

Re: Introduce Yourself

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 6:31 pm UTC
by Weed


I'm weed.
I live in belgium and study multimedia and communication technology in brussels.
I can work with the adobe programs like photoshop/indesign/dreamweaver/illustrator/premiere/after effects/..
I am everyday online on tremulous GPP (R unlimited CZ), this week I started with unvanquished :)

Re: Introduce Yourself

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 3:21 am UTC
by Erwin Rommel

Hello, I'm Erwin.

I used to play trem about a year ago. But, trem unfortunately died shortly after I left for training. I also pretended to help with tremz and unvanquished. In reality, it was more like, "hey, I'm a community member, I want to be part of all the drama!" Also used to be a member of MAD. I am also one with the granger (what a granger!). I'm now going to college in the U.S.

I wish I had people to play unvanquished with. You now have all the necessary information to track me down and murder me. Please do so at your earliest convenience.