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Re: Interested in helping out?

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 6:09 pm UTC
by kharnov

Here's a new page we put up, an agglomeration of all my individual recruitment ads put together into one super-ad.

Re: Interested in helping out?

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 6:24 pm UTC
by Viech

Nice. We should collect fancy pictures for each position.

Re: Interested in helping out?

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 7:13 pm UTC
by Raptor

even though i'm not working yet i could help in the moddeling(note the grox)
i'm bilingual so i can transalate eng-spa,spa-eng
i heard about unvanq in the rcz forum
i played trem 5 yrs ago
sounds.i'm not good at them but i have a good sense of rithum
for the models i'll post'em on a thread called trem models.
oh my e-mail:

Re: Interested in helping out?

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 7:16 pm UTC
by kharnov

Spanish would be excellent. We have Argentinean Spanish at the moment, but we can use the main Spanish dialect as well.

Re: Interested in helping out?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:54 pm UTC
by Raptor

thx bare in mind that latin american spainsh is different than european spanish.
eg: colombians say coach(carro) instead of car(coche)!

Re: Interested in helping out?

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 2:38 am UTC
by Battery

I have been following Unvanquished since last year and now that it's summer time, I would like to donate some of my time to help improve the game.
A little about me: I am 16 years old (senior in high school) and I attend the high school program at my community college. I have been messing around with programming for the last 6 years and am comfortable with C and C++, but have also dabbled in Java, Python, Bash, and Ruby. I'm not a particularly-experienced programmer, but I would like use Unvanquished as a learning experience because I like writing code and would love to become better.

What are you skilled at? See below for some examples of what we consider useful skills.
I know C, have almost finished 2 semesters of C++ at UNLV, and write code on a regular basis. I am also working on learning GL3 (math and such). I know the basic structures of GTK+, Cocoa, Swing, and Qt programs and have written some small stuff with those toolkits.

Where did you hear about us? From a friend? Phoronix? Mod DB? Something else?
I played tremulous for about 2 years starting at the end of 2009 when GPP was released. I remember something about TremZ never being released and then I ran into Unvanquished.

Did you play Tremulous in the past? Totally not a requirement, but nice to know.

What else have you worked on? Other projects? Personal things? Have a portfolio or site?
I don't have much experience with large projects. My largest is the program collection for my robotics team. My github is (I am ajud and invalid-email-address. derp) I also remember writing a linux fan control daemon for my MBP and writing a few popular scripts for RSBot, which I used to cheat at Runescape way back when I played.

How do we stay in touch with you? Email? Forum messages? IRC?
Forum messages would be fine.

Re: Interested in helping out?

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 2:42 am UTC
by Ishq

If you're a programmer, I'd highly recommend you stay on the unvanquished development IRC, where have a lot of coding discussion. Stay there, don't be afraid to ask questions, and maybe as we're discussing something, it will strike your fancy and you can begin working on it. You'll be sure to begin getting programming experience that way. I myself began coding hacking away at trem, so I think your level experience will be fine to start with, or at least gain a basic understanding of the engine. <-- Webchat URL if you lack a real client.

ps: Cool to see you were/are invovled with FRC

Re: Interested in helping out?

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 3:30 am UTC
by Battery
Ishq wrote:

If you're a programmer, I'd highly recommend you stay on the unvanquished development IRC, where have a lot of coding discussion. Stay there, don't be afraid to ask questions, and maybe as we're discussing something, it will strike your fancy and you can begin working on it. You'll be sure to begin getting programming experience that way. I myself began coding hacking away at trem, so I think your level experience will be fine to start with, or at least gain a basic understanding of the engine. <-- Webchat URL if you lack a real client.

ps: Cool to see you were/are invovled with FRC

Thanks for the advice!

Re: Interested in helping out?

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 3:42 am UTC
by kharnov

You can come on now if you'd like. In fact you can come on whenever you want to. It's open to the public. The programmers that hang out on the channel include `Ishq, kangz, Fuma, ds, gimhael, Timoteo, freem, and Amanieu.

Re: Interested in helping out?

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:09 am UTC
by Mumbo-Jumbo

What are you skilled at:
Well, basically at nothing at all.
However, i'm not skilled at many things-
including some programming (Visual Basic, Delphi, Lazarus, C++, also worked with SDL/OpenGL - however, i don't think that i can do much in this field right now, except that i can make GUI stuff for things that got to be done by editing textstuff/requiring different tools right now. However, i would like to take apart at this project to learn about Game developement, so i'll try to get into it), basic webdesign (HTML, PHP, mySQL - this might be interessting to give support to browseable webinterfaces for your servers, managing accounts etc., and since i take apart at the wikipedia for quite apart right now, i could also do some things for the wiki here), using editors (until now, only for strategy games- mainly Wc3 and AoE2 - i would however enjoy to get into the design of egoshooter maps as well), graphics (while i absolutely suck at drawing, i think i could be able to do very basic things including graphical stuff for tutorials and the wiki & placeholders if there is a need for it - did some stuff with 3d-design as well, but i assume that i'm to noob for anything that could help here aside from placeholder stuff & conversion / setting up points for the ingame use and the conversion of models (did this many times for wc3) etc. again). While my skills in speaking english language could be better i can understand it in any possible meaning and i speak german kinda fluently - would be willing to invest time to make a german translation if there is a need for it. I play extensive and probably any kind of game (mainly AoS-Games, Arena-Shooters, RPGs, and any kind of game that is older than 1995 atm) - so i could be able to help out at the overall game design & balancing. Also, i'm trained as a social worker and can try to help at stuff that requires organization (including planning, conflict-prevention, and social uplinking) or support as soon as i'm into the mechanics of your gameplay and the technical circumstances of your game.

Where did you hear about us? From a friend?
Actually, the fame goes to

Did you play Tremulous in the past?
I actually had it installed and tried to play it, but didn't find active servers back then-
however, i did play "Natural Selection" alot many years ago - a half life mode that inspired tremulous, if i'm not mistaken.

What else have you worked on? Other projects? Personal things? Have a portfolio or site?

Only personal stuff:
I did some small browsergames, some wc3-maps (one of them, called "Infantry Battle" was even rehosted some times without ever leaving beta-state) an extension program for the wc3 mpq, many Age2 maps (though i dunno if one was ever rehosted), many started, but never finished 2d games with Lazarus/C++.

How do we stay in touch with you? Email? Forum messages? IRC?
You can mail me whenever you want, also i kept the e-mail notification for private messages activated. i can offer instant messaging over retroshare, and i'm probably going to lurk @ your irc for the next few days.

So long, ca.