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Re: Introduce Yourself

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 10:53 pm UTC
by GalacticDeath

Thanks for the feedback!

I agree that would be an awesome feature to add to the game. That would definitely add a sense of realism to the sounds. Either way, I'll be sure to cut out the reverb from now on.


Re: Introduce Yourself

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 11:57 am UTC
by DoggieB

Hey guys,

Kharnov recently contacted me about the project and told me to introduce myself at the forums. My username is Doggie_B. I'm a dutch artist, specialized in Architecture and Graphic Design and I'll be helping you with the 2D artwork concerning the Unvanquished project. Unfortunately I don't have much programming skills, but I do have an extensive experience in Photoshop, Illustrator and several 3D tools (3Ds Max/Blender/ect). If needed, I'll offer you my environmental design services as well. You can check out my portfolio at

Re: Introduce Yourself

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 3:53 am UTC
by RamblingTiger

Hello everyone,

My Name is Jeff, and will be working on Sound Design for the Unvanquished project.
I see two others are also working on it, is there an area that I should start in? guns, vocals ect?

Re: Introduce Yourself

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 10:56 am UTC
by Viech

Hey RamblingTiger! I guess it would be ideal if you could get in direct contact with GalacticDeath and JackTMohn so you can split up the work and settle on a common style.

Re: Introduce Yourself

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:37 pm UTC
by Tom

Hello Doggie_B & RamblingTiger, welcome :wink: .

@GalacticDeath: Very scary monster sounds, I love them!


Viech wrote:

Monsters sound very interesting, but for the game we would need clean versions without the reverb. If the sound design is getting started now, we could think about adding it as a general engine feature though, controllable by the mapper or some automatic measurement of room size.

Whoa! It would be great for immersion!

Re: Introduce Yourself

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:08 am UTC
by Sovarozum

Hi everyone! I'm also another sound designer! My name is Stephon! I'm looking forward to collaborating with you guys for the project!

Re: Introduce Yourself

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 12:54 pm UTC
by jakegabb

YO. I'm a musician and sound designer, nice to meet you all :)! I'm going to be contributing a large amount of sounds to this game. So I imagine there'll be a torrent of sound spam on here within the next week haha! I also do music as 'You Are Not Real' the link of which is in my signature. Should be playing my first gig this year so I'm gonna poo myself when I do. Better to live life than sit at home though I guess :).

Re: Introduce Yourself

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 3:02 pm UTC
by Viech

We had like zero sound designers over the last 1½ years and now this, seriously. Welcome Sovarozum and jakegabb! :grin:

We currently don't have the art director position filled, which would normally support you in coordinating your efforts. You should try to get in contact with each other, settle on a common style and distribute the workload. Hopefully some mysterious person hwo keeps track of everything will enter the scene soon.

Re: Introduce Yourself

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 11:17 pm UTC
by Omnipraesens

Hi, I'm Omnipraesens. I can't remember what my handle used to be back when I played Tremulous, but I frequently played 1.1-1.2/GPP. I'm a C/C++ programmer, and I rather like the Unvanquished project and have been studying the source code carefully, so expect to see me posting in the Community Development section sometime soon. If I don't get around to doing that I'm probably procrastinating, as usual, or too busy actually playing the game :D

Re: Introduce Yourself

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 11:23 pm UTC
by kharnov

Programming! Neat. I'd suggest talking to our programmers on our development channel. It's #unvanquished-dev on Freenode.