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Re: Idea: Forward Slide

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:56 am UTC
by ViruS

*Heeee's about to walk into the vent.... I better pounce him off track.
*oops, he did a powerslide, missed...
I agree too, this could be interesting. Not to mensions sliding into vents to get away from dragoons and rants...

Re: Idea: Forward Slide

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 4:36 am UTC
by EmperorJack

I think just a small slide that happens when you crouch after sprinting would be nice. You would have to sprint for say 2 to 3 seconds before it would be possible and once you start sliding you lose control as momentum carries you forward. Once you start sliding you should be able to turn and face other ways without altering your slide direction. This would allow for epic slides around corners guns blazing. You would regain control of your movement when you have come to a stop. This would incorporate some risk in sliding (falling off edges/opportunity to get hit by aliens). The speed would be the same as sprinting for say a second but then it would drop off until you stop or you hit a wall or object or player. It should use about half stamina. It would be useful for sliding into vents/small spaces and a nice particle dust effect could be implemented.

Though I say any incorporation with sliding under rants is silly. Timing it to slide under pouncing goons and jumping aliens would be a proper use. The act should leave the human vulnerable for even the briefest amount of time.

Edit: You should be able to slide down large angled surfaces but this would reduce stamina even further as the duration of the slide continues even to the point as you black out while still moving. Providing you have a slope long enough to achieve that.

Re: Idea: Forward Slide

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:59 pm UTC
by EckleckLighat

Regarding the bounding boxes...

I might suggest having two bounding boxes - one for the feet, and one for the rest. You could have the feet boxes simply not collide with certain objects, (dretches, basis, and sliding humans).

I have no idea what your physics code can and cannot do, but if you have collision groups + compound bounding objects, this should be doable.

  • Warning: Speculation *
    Maybe we could add a sitting ability to the tyrant. Imaging that fat ass coming down on a sliding human.... <3. It might encourage people not to use the slide too much. Of course, it will bring instant death to the tyrant if the target happens to be holding a painsaw... painsaw in the ass. Yeah baby.

  • Eck

Re: Idea: Forward Slide

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:40 pm UTC
by Dracone

I know I don't need to give much input, but I'll say this again anyways: Stop taking the game as it is now and thinking about adding more features/abilities for players to use to counter other features/abilities. It's retarded reasoning and will only make things more complex, leading to more and more situational one-sided confrontations, and there's already too many of those in GPP.

Re: Idea: Forward Slide

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:47 pm UTC
by seana11


Re: Idea: Forward Slide

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:06 am UTC
by Sixthly

I think that Grangers should be able to fly through walls and instant build.

Re: Idea: Forward Slide

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:51 am UTC
by danmal

My main concern with sliding is that you're never really going to use it. Being able to slide into vents is definitely cool but how many vents does the average map have? 1 or 2 at the most. Sliding forwards as humans is pretty crazy considering death is usually in front of you. Humans already have a large range of movement options (walk, run, sprint, crouch, dodge) and I don't think adding another one is a good idea.

Re: Idea: Forward Slide

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 11:31 am UTC
by ViruS

Sorry to bring back an old topic, but i remembered i uploaded a video of the 'timescale slide glitch' in unvanquished. I first noticed it in alpha 1 [tremz at the time] when i was trying to look at the weird muzzle particle system in third person. This is the type of slide that shouldn't exist, its annoying as hell when building. ... ature=plcp

Re: Idea: Forward Slide

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 2:55 pm UTC
by Viech

I understand that humans want some cool movement but dodge already is a really powerful weapon against big aliens and I don't think we should make the human more agile. Movement and the ability to get close to an enemy is one of the main powers of the alien team and one of the things that makes the teams so different and yet balanced.

Re: Idea: Forward Slide

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 5:22 pm UTC
by EckleckLighat

I've been thinking about this one, and have come up with a more polished idea.

Slide does not cause humans to accelerate, and amounts to little more than crouching while maintaining a little bit of speed. A slide should only take you far enough to escape a large alien through a vent - not far at all. You cannot turn while sliding, so using this move can actually make things worse if used at a bad time. In addition, you're now more vulnerable to headshots from smaller aliens. I take back the idea of sliding under rants/goons (unless you were to give them an instant kill 'sit', which would probably look stupid). Suits also cannot slide.

I don't think my proposal here would make humans that much more agile. In fact, I think the dangers of a poorly timed slide would balance out the benefits. Implementation sounds fairly easy to do (less friction while crouching). An animation could be added later.

It's not a terrifically large change. At the very least, we could at least try it out, and see how much it impacts the gameplay.
