Small ideas & miscellaneous suggestions!

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Re: Small ideas & miscellaneous suggestions!

Post by ViruS »

maclag wrote:

1-You should leave the option of not having to activate the weapon/tool after selection (mean: right now, I need to use wheel up/down, then press button3 to "activate" my choice ; I would much prefer if I didn't have to press the button to "activate" my choice). In emergency cases, this is highly confusing ("Die, alien! I'm going to kill you by building something on top of you head... not!")
2-Is there a way to "explore" the maps out of the game, including an option before the game starts? (kind of a "ghost mode": not in the game, but can walk around freely). It's like most FPS: first games, you discover everything, that's fun... except if you're surrounded with people who know the map upside-down and all its tricks, in which case, you die before knowing where the enemy is coming from.

I don't remember a tutorial existing... maybe i missed something... Anyway...
1-There's some commands which you can bind to a key which toggles the item. Here's a few simple binds that work for most people (i have a crazy ass layout)
Remember to put a '/' at the start of the line if you're entering through the in-game console. Don't enter the stuff in brackets obviously.

Code: Select all

bind 1 "itemtoggle blaster" (toggles blaster from the primary weapon, i think this is what you mea)
bind 2 "itemact gren" (throws a grenade. I guess you  could switch to a weapon directly through this, never tried it)
bind 3 "sell upgrades;sell weapons;buy bsuit;buy larmour;buy helmet;buy lcannon;buy shotgun" (Sells everything, then if possible, buys a battlesuit and lucifer cannon, else buys shotgun. If not stage 3, it will buy lightarmour and helmet. If not stage 2, it wont buy a helmet)
bind 4 "build mgturret" (gets a machinegun turret ready to build if you have a ckit)


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Re: Small ideas & miscellaneous suggestions!

Post by KenuR »

maclag wrote:

Hi all,
-You should leave the option of not having to activate the weapon/tool after selection (mean: right now, I need to use wheel up/down, then press button3 to "activate" my choice ; I would much prefer if I didn't have to press the button to "activate" my choice). In emergency cases, this is highly confusing ("Die, alien! I'm going to kill you by building something on top of you head... not!")

You can add binds for different items by typing in the console /bind itemact <item>

maclag wrote:

I still don't know if I'm limited in the number of constructions we can do or if I didn't find the right way to extend. I still don't know if the "constructor" is supposed to do something special to have more powerful stuff available to the team.

I'm not sure what you mean. There are a number of different structures you can build. As the game progresses, your team unlocks "Stages" by killing opponents. There are 3 stages and once you unlock a stage, new structures and weapons become available. There's a certain amount of "build points" or BP you can use to construct structures.

maclag wrote:

-Is there a way to "explore" the maps out of the game, including an option before the game starts? (kind of a "ghost mode": not in the game, but can walk around freely). It's like most FPS: first games, you discover everything, that's fun... except if you're surrounded with people who know the map upside-down and all its tricks, in which case, you die before knowing where the enemy is coming from.

You can either create a local game and explore any map you want, or you can join a server and spectate ("ghost mode").

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Re: Small ideas & miscellaneous suggestions!

Post by Asvarox »

maclag wrote:

I still don't know if I'm limited in the number of constructions we can do or if I didn't find the right way to extend. I still don't know if the "constructor" is supposed to do something special to have more powerful stuff available to the team.

Rules of building as an alien are pretty straight-forward: you have 150 build points (bps) you can spend on various buildings. Of course most vital is the main structure (Overmind, om) along with spawns - eggs. The second is probably the booster (one is enough though it's good to have additional one just in case), then come defenses of quite a few types. While rules are simple, building itself requires knowledge about the game, therefore it's recommended to observe other people building and see how it works. This is the case for both teams, too.

Rules of building as a human are a bit more tricky. The team has "main" pool of 100 bps and they can spend them on various buildings, just like aliens. Though they have additional one, called "repeater". It cannot be built within the reactor (rc) build range - it is used to build forward bases providing power for spots out of RCs range. It costs 5 bps from the main pool (and only the main pool), but each repeater has it's own pool of 20 bps that can be spent only within range of said repeater.

That means humans can theoretically have amount of buildings worth 100/5*20 + 100 = 500 bps, but they would be spread badly and take a lot of space.

Last important aspect of building for both team is build points queue. If your enemy manage to destroy a building, the bps it was using won't be returned to pool right away. They will instead return one by one in intervals of few seconds, depending on amount of bps in queue (the more bps are queued, the faster they return).

Since you said that you are new to the game, I think it'd be good idea if you start building mostly forward bases - a repeater with a turret or tesla generator (if unlocked) and medistation on the mostly-used-by-other-teammates route to aliens base. You won't accidentally harm your main base badly and if your forward prevails, it will definitely provide a lot of support of teammates, and they will appreciate. If you keep dying before setting up a forward, then stop trying for a while, let the bps return to the pool. In the meantime help your teammates take back initiative before trying again.

I hope that helps

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Re: Small ideas & miscellaneous suggestions!

Post by CommanderWill »

I just had a purely Unvanquished LAN party last night, there were 8 of us, we had an awesome time! Anyway, there were a few issues/ ideas that were brought up from various members. Here are the ones I remember

  1. Headcrabs - I know it's a ridiculous idea, but it got mentioned multiple times by multiple members, the idea is that possibly an advanced dretch could be implemented with the ability to latch on to the faces of humans and control them zombie style or something.

  2. Mini-map - it's already brought up in the other thread, I'm just throwing it in because it got mentioned a lot.

  3. weird default bindings - no big deal, easy to fix, but they are quite odd from the standpoint of other shooters. interesting note, I had a friend trying to play it doom style arrow keys, what was with that?

  4. maps - the most favored maps of the night were the symmetrical ones, particularly ATCS HD, and ATCS Alpha. I personally like the asymmetrical maps, but it was ridiculously hard to find each other on those. a mini-map would probably fix that though.

Some other crazy ideas I thought of while sleeping that may be of absolutely no value other than a good laugh are

  1. hallucinogenic bite - causes humans to see random things like aliens, dead humans, and other objects (maybe opening and closing doors) after being bitten by certain alien.
  2. gametypes other than the standard
    Territory capture - similar to battlefield, capture and hold all the territories other than the bases, if they're all held for x amount of time you are victorious
    Survival - humans face waves of alien bots that increase every round, dead humans either join aliens or revive maybe?

These are just some interesting ideas I wanted to put out before I forgot, I doubt any are useful or implementable


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Re: Small ideas & miscellaneous suggestions!

Post by seana11 »

CommanderWill wrote:

I just had a purely Unvanquished LAN party last night, there were 8 of us, we had an awesome time! Anyway, there were a few issues/ ideas that were brought up from various members. Here are the ones I remember

  1. Headcrabs - I know it's a ridiculous idea, but it got mentioned multiple times by multiple members, the idea is that possibly an advanced dretch could be implemented with the ability to latch on to the faces of humans and control them zombie style or something.


2. Mini-map - it's already brought up in the other thread, I'm just throwing it in because it got mentioned a lot.

3. weird default bindings - no big deal, easy to fix, but they are quite odd from the standpoint of other shooters. interesting note, I had a friend trying to play it doom style arrow keys, what was with that?

4. maps - the most favored maps of the night were the symmetrical ones, particularly ATCS HD, and ATCS Alpha. I personally like the asymmetrical maps, but it was ridiculously hard to find each other on those. a mini-map would probably fix that though.

Some other crazy ideas I thought of while sleeping that may be of absolutely no value other than a good laugh are

  1. hallucinogenic bite - causes humans to see random things like aliens, dead humans, and other objects (maybe opening and closing doors) after being bitten by certain alien.

This could be implemented as a side-effect to gas or poison

2. gametypes other than the standard
Territory capture - similar to battlefield, capture and hold all the territories other than the bases, if they're all held for x amount of time you are victorious
Survival - humans face waves of alien bots that increase every round, dead humans either join aliens or revive maybe?

These are just some interesting ideas I wanted to put out before I forgot, I doubt any are useful or implementable

I think that survival has been done in a map before. You have to survive waves or grangers,dretches,etc. The first one sounds like Double Domination


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Re: Small ideas & miscellaneous suggestions!


CommanderWill wrote:
  1. gametypes other than the standard
    Territory capture - similar to battlefield, capture and hold all the territories other than the bases, if they're all held for x amount of time you are victorious
    Survival - humans face waves of alien bots that increase every round, dead humans either join aliens or revive maybe?

There is a GPP map that does exactly what you suggest. It's called Tremship. Basically the humans have to survive for 25 minutes against the aliens. If they survive, the humans get to ride the shuttle and bomb the aliens from the orbit. Maybe this map can be ported to Unvanquished for testing purposes?

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Re: Small ideas & miscellaneous suggestions!

Post by CommanderWill »


There is a GPP map that does exactly what you suggest. It's called Tremship. Basically the humans have to survive for 25 minutes against the aliens. If they survive, the humans get to ride the shuttle and bomb the aliens from the orbit. Maybe this map can be ported to Unvanquished for testing purposes?

I sure missed out a lot during those days, due to my LAN party isolation and pure servers only. That's why I want to get into mapping though, it seems like most of my suggestions can be achieved through map design.


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Re: Small ideas & miscellaneous suggestions!

Post by E-Mxp »


There is a GPP map that does exactly what you suggest. It's called Tremship. Basically the humans have to survive for 25 minutes against the aliens. If they survive, the humans get to ride the shuttle and bomb the aliens from the orbit. Maybe this map can be ported to Unvanquished for testing purposes?

Also a cool one to look at was Siege. Kind of the same idea of TremShip.

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Re: Small ideas & miscellaneous suggestions!

Post by ALiensHUmans »

Hi everyone, I have a small idea and I want to share it.
What if the weapon's bullets and clips would be shown on the weapon itself and not in the right-bottom corner.
I think that this way the game would be more immersive and have a cool look.

Here is a screenshoot I made to see how would such idea will work.

The attachment unv2.jpg is no longer available

Of course this is just a concept design, it can be adjusted and modified.

So what do you think?

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Re: Small ideas & miscellaneous suggestions!

Post by E-Mxp »

Well, things like that need exessive coding and I don't really know of any quake based game that does this (not that it is impossible though).
I don't see this being added in any time soon.

...then again, it would be really f*ckin' sweet!

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