Improvements to Bot options in the Pause menu

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Improvements to Bot options in the Pause menu

Post by RaptorHunter182 »

Firstly, let me say thank you for adding the improved options for spawning bots in the latest update! I am a mostly single-player player so these options are important and helpful to me. It is an improvement, however there are a two things that should definitely be changed for the sake of functionality and ease of use:

- Firstly, there currently is no way to kick a single bot. The only options given related to removing bots are "Kick Bots" found in the Democracy section of the Pause menu and "Remove all Bots" found in the Bots section. These both do the same thing which is they just remove all bots from the match.

- Second, all options related to bots should be moved to the "Bots" section of the Pause menu instead of some being in the "Democracy" section, the reason being that options in the Democracy section are considered "votes" by the game. You get 5 votes maximum per match so if you are messing around with bots and spawning/removing them you will quickly find it impossible to do so using any of the bot options present in the Democracy section due to you reaching your maximum amount of votes for that match. Not to mention it is also more logical to just have all Bot-related options contained within the "Bots" section. I understand some options being in the "Democracy" section for the purpose of voting on bots in multiplayer, but these options should be accessible to the host in the "Bots" section aswell for the sake of single-player gameplay. Note that if you change this you should also change the text on the button in the "Fill with bots" option window from "Call vote" to something like "Add bots".

Side Note: Also consider renaming the "Democracy" section to simply "Call Vote" as that is more intutive for players, since that is what most other games have such a section labeled as.

Ideally the "Bots" section would look something like this:
Fill with bots
Add an alien bot
Add a human bot
Remove an alien bot
Remove a human bot
Remove all bots

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Re: Improvements to Bot options in the Pause menu

Post by RaptorHunter182 »

An option to adjust the difficulty/skill level of bots would be appreciated aswell.

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Re: Improvements to Bot options in the Pause menu

Post by PhantomFang »


First I would like to say : you play in solo? OK. There is a great command called : bot.

If you want to add an alien bot and currently there are 5 alien bot :
/bot fill 6 a

For add a button for remove a bot... Uhhh well... I think that we can do /bot dell 1 <team>
I did a big part of the futur ui. We can see if a ppl host the game. Then if this command work, I can add this and make a PR.

And for rename "democratie" into "call vote"
sorry but no. I mean that personally I will don't do it.
Democratie is a good name :D

In the menus of the next relase (currently) there is :

  • add an alien bot
  • remove an alien bot
  • remove all bots
    And fill bots too.
    As I said : I can try to add a menu for remove a bot. Will see if it works with a command.

For now, I suggest you to use the /bot command.
SHIFT-ESCAPE for open the console.

You can see the "fururs" menus on my server :
Ctrl + Alt + Defeat

"An option to adjust the difficulty/skill level of bots would be appreciated aswell."
OK... We can do.

Currently you can do : /bot skill <level> <team>

Note : I really advise you to play on servers.

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Re: Improvements to Bot options in the Pause menu

Post by RaptorHunter182 »

I'd like to play on servers but I never really see people on. The most populated server is just the map & bot testing server. Anytime I join a server anyways it is always just people quickly changing teams to destroy structures on the opposing team and then switching back to their main team and going in there and winning, rather than actually playing the game. That or they will just team kill other human players because it's fun to troll I guess? I just like the solo experience. It's free of the nonsense.

Anyways, thanks for taking my suggestions into consideration.

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Re: Improvements to Bot options in the Pause menu

Post by PhantomFang »

I'm not okay with what you're saying.
The ppl don't switch team like this. If players do thins, I don't know who. And belive me I know a lot of players.

You say that you would like to play online but there are no ppls always... In LAN game too there are no ppls ;)

Note : on the Map & Bot tactic testing EU server there are A LOT of bots menus ;)

And no. It is not fun to troll. Maybe at the moment, but belive me, after you regret.

Anyways, thanks for taking my suggestions into consideration.

your welcome :) I will see what I can do.

I think that when you see the players online, you are not at the good time. Look at
14h French time you ca' always find me at this time.

Note : it is not a pause menu :) it is the ingame main menu XD

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Re: Improvements to Bot options in the Pause menu

Post by Sweet »

RaptorHunter182 wrote: Mon Jan 01, 2024 12:04 am UTC

The most populated server is just the map & bot testing server.

Of course it is, it is my server.

RaptorHunter182 wrote: Mon Jan 01, 2024 12:04 am UTC

Anytime I join a server anyways it is always just people quickly changing teams to destroy structures on the opposing team and then switching back to their main team and going in there and winning, rather than actually playing the game.

That is rather unfortunate. If this happens more than rarely on my server, I will have to do something. How can I contact you?

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Re: Improvements to Bot options in the Pause menu

Post by RaptorHunter182 »

Don't think I've seen it on your server Sweet but then again I don't really play on it since it is just for map/bot testing.

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Re: Improvements to Bot options in the Pause menu

Post by Sweet »

RaptorHunter182 wrote: Mon Jan 01, 2024 12:49 am UTC

it is just for map/bot testing.

It is not. It is well suited for all kinds of public games. Maybe I should rename it.

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Re: Improvements to Bot options in the Pause menu

Post by PhantomFang »

Nooooooooooooooooo ("noooo" end up In the void)
Do not rename it! It is great like that, if you rename it, it will change too meny :'(

Otherwise, are we talking about it that the subject has completely deviated?

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Re: Improvements to Bot options in the Pause menu

Post by illwieckz »

RaptorHunter182 wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 11:42 pm UTC

Firstly, let me say thank you for adding the improved options for spawning bots in the latest update! I am a mostly single-player player so these options are important and helpful to me.

Hi! Thank you for taking you time to share this feedback, this is greatly appreciated! :thumbup:

It is an improvement, however there are a two things that should definitely be changed for the sake of functionality and ease of use:

  • Firstly, there currently is no way to kick a single bot. The only options given related to removing bots are "Kick Bots" found in the Democracy section of the Pause menu and "Remove all Bots" found in the Bots section. These both do the same thing which is they just remove all bots from the match.

Do you need to kick a specific bot or just reduce the amount of bots by one?

These days I was experimenting on adding a slider to the “Bot setup” UI, where one could just add and remove bots by moving a cursor. Though, this affects a variable that acts on both teams, not per team, we may have to add more cvars to add one slider per team. But using the underlying “bot” command like “bot fill” or so may be better.

Second, all options related to bots should be moved to the "Bots" section of the Pause menu instead of some being in the "Democracy" section, the reason being that options in the Democracy section are considered "votes" by the game. You get 5 votes maximum per match so if you are messing around with bots and spawning/removing them you will quickly find it impossible to do so using any of the bot options present in the Democracy section due to you reaching your maximum amount of votes for that match.

Yeah, it's possible that some menus for some existing features are not implemented yet, or that some features are only implemented as votes, there are things to improve on that part.

Side Note: Also consider renaming the "Democracy" section to simply "Call Vote" as that is more intutive for players, since that is what most other games have such a section labeled as.

I will not be against a renaming of this, I don't know why but on my end my eyes have hard time to spot the “Democracy” word. I'm sure my eyes would spot easier te “Vote” word, and maybe one and short is catchy. Though, it's possible that chosing a visually more catchy word in English may bring a less visually catchy word in another langage once translated. But in English for some reasons my eyes have to read te whole “Democracy” word instead of just spotting it, I can't explain but that annoys me. Also one can say Democracy is not only about Vote and that Vote doesn't guarantee Democracy, so since things are about voting, better use the exact word that it is about.

Ideally the "Bots" section would look something like this:
Fill with bots
Add an alien bot
Add a human bot
Remove an alien bot
Remove a human bot
Remove all bots

If “Remove an alien bot” is about “remove any alien bot” and not a specific one, as PhantomFang said this is probably doable with our current underlying commands.

Don't be afraid of “map/bot testing” server, this is a recommened server to play, as noted with the “featured” :featured: icon in the server browser. This :featured: icon in first column of the in-game server browser denote servers that are recommended, you're likely to find there active games with admins being available while playing, to customize the game for the likeness of players, or to take actions to keep the place welcoming and fun. :smile:

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