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The Complex Mating Ritual between Advanced Marauder and Boostershrimp

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:13 am UTC
by Dracone

While the copulatory behavior of the aliens is generally poorly documented, there is one scenario that has been well-researched, as well as simply observed naturally numerous times. This is the intricate effort to reproduce shared between the "advanced" marauder and the domestic boostershrimp.

Having reached full maturity exactly one evolution point after birth, the mature marauder (of which there are only males) soon goes to work in seeking an open boostershrimp. The boostershrimp is the converse of the marauder in regards to gender, as there has only been evidence of the existence of female boostershrimpi. The reasons behind this evolutionary pathway are unknown, although there has been light speculation involving the fact that boostershrimpi themselves are only known to be reproduced from the creepsacs of grangers.

Upon finding a boostershrimp that is in heat, the marauder will initiate the process. It will call to the boostershrimp with its romantic snarl, as a proposition for intimacy. This may repeat for a very long time, especially in habitats where Timelimit is set torturously high. Should the boostershrimp accept the marauder's proposal, it will give its signal: an intense and abrupt -- but graceful -- twitch of its body.

The marauder will then proceed to mount the boostershrimp, leaping onto it elegantly. It should be noted that the marauder does not stop its snarling, as this would break the bond between the mates, and the boostershrimp would be, at the very least, reluctant to move on. It is widely thought that this is because the snarling has a slight soothing effect on the sensitive membranes of the boostershrimp's large coelom. After the mounting has occurred, the marauder will zap the boostershrimp repeatedly, which causes minor pain to it. This is generally accepted to be the "foreplay" of the interactions, as the boostershrimp tends to begin to generate excessive heat upon being zapped, and it will also sweat profusely. The boostershrimp then gives the marauder its deadly poison, which the marauder (immune to the poison, of course) then uses to activate its sperm. It then transfers this sperm to the boostershrimp's reproductive chambers, fertilizing its single batch of eggs, which generally consists of four or five ova.

At this point, the mating is complete, and the boostershrimp has been impregnated. Soon, it will give birth to a litter of marauder cubs, though it will shrivel up and burst during childbirth, dying in the process. On rare occasions, an event has been witnessed in which nearby grangers will digest the detritus left behind by the death of the boostershrimps. It is unknown whether or not this organic material is restructured in the grangers' creep organs for the purpose of reproducing new boostershrimpi, as very little research has been conducted on grangers, due to their being protected by alien rights legislation.

Re: The Complex Mating Ritual between Advanced Marauder and Boostershrimp

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:21 am UTC
by Qrntz


Re: The Complex Mating Ritual between Advanced Marauder and Boostershrimp

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 11:48 am UTC
by rhez

This post was removed.

Re: The Complex Mating Ritual between Advanced Marauder and Boostershrimp

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:25 am UTC
by KenuR


Re: The Complex Mating Ritual between Advanced Marauder and Boostershrimp

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:24 am UTC
by AnyLastWords


Re: The Complex Mating Ritual between Advanced Marauder and Boostershrimp

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 10:20 pm UTC
by rhez

Dracone got mad at me for posting that... >_>

Re: The Complex Mating Ritual between Advanced Marauder and Boostershrimp

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 5:15 pm UTC
by Dracone

I'm mad. And not like the clan, I would never do that.


Re: The Complex Mating Ritual between Advanced Marauder and Boostershrimp

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 9:11 pm UTC
by rhez

Sorry. :(