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by Viech
Sun Apr 23, 2023 6:37 am UTC
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: gameplay: to hard-code or to not hard-code, that is the question
Replies: 13
Views: 45288

Re: gameplay: to hard-code or to not hard-code, that is the question

There would be only one default value, the one from config file; there would be no define and no declaration in code. Any system is acceptable where users can clearly tell that and how a server is modded from vanilla gameplay. This is a hard requirement to make progress from the three systems alrea...
by Viech
Sat Apr 22, 2023 5:05 pm UTC
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: gameplay: to hard-code or to not hard-code, that is the question
Replies: 13
Views: 45288

Re: gameplay: to hard-code or to not hard-code, that is the question

Here are my two cents. Config files I agree with what was said before: with the current implementation they are a development hurdle. It is very inconvenient to add new config file settings to the game; they are kind of a workflow killer. However, config files do form an interesting middle ground: T...
by Viech
Mon Feb 12, 2018 12:45 pm UTC
Forum: Feedback
Topic: Humans are way OP
Replies: 3
Views: 31203

Re: Humans are way OP

We didn't promise anything like that, because the gameplay is not as broken as both of you suggest. We have played tournaments and lots of development games since we diverged from the somewhat balanced Tremulous and balance was always fine for an in-development game. I suspect aliens are simply much...
by Viech
Mon Feb 12, 2018 12:35 pm UTC
Forum: Level Design
Topic: IQM support in NetRadiant
Replies: 3
Views: 27945

Re: IQM support in NetRadiant

The turrets in the last screenshot appear to be flying. If they are rendered correctly ingame then this may be a general mismatch.

by Viech
Mon Feb 12, 2018 12:33 pm UTC
Forum: Map Releases
Topic: New package format for upcoming 0.51.0 release (bye bye pk3)
Replies: 12
Views: 64111

Re: New package format for upcoming 0.51.0 release (bye bye pk3)

tvezet wrote:

map-hangar28_b1.pk3 → map-hangar28_0.1b.dpk

sounds nice to me, go ahead :granger: :thumbup:

This is factually wrong though. It means that the beta release cycle is merely a sub-release of Version 0.1. Don't do this to our maps illwieckz! :frown:

by Viech
Mon Feb 12, 2018 12:32 pm UTC
Forum: Map Releases
Topic: New package format for upcoming 0.51.0 release (bye bye pk3)
Replies: 12
Views: 64111

Re: New package format for upcoming 0.51.0 release (bye bye pk3)

illwieckz wrote:

And if it were me I would probably just use one number without any dot so nobody would complain about the meaning of minor or major or whatever! :tongue:

The modern approach is to start with 0.10 and then grow exponentially to Firefox version 42 or so.

by Viech
Mon Feb 12, 2018 12:27 pm UTC
Forum: Off-topic
Topic: Unvanquished minecraft psyschedelic edition
Replies: 2
Views: 45827

Re: Unvanquished minecraft psyschedelic edition

Good we got rid of the tryhard graphics, now we're finally an indie game.

by Viech
Sun Jan 21, 2018 5:43 pm UTC
Forum: Map Releases
Topic: New package format for upcoming 0.51.0 release (bye bye pk3)
Replies: 12
Views: 64111

Re: New package format for upcoming 0.51.0 release (bye bye pk3)

I'm happy about the .dpk format, but I dislike your version proposals. I'd stick with a01 – a99 for a lpha releases, b01 – b99 for b eta releases and r01 – r99 for (final) r eleases. Also one can use d01 – d99 for " d elta" releases when in the process of porting maps from Tremulous withou...
by Viech
Sun Apr 16, 2017 11:27 am UTC
Forum: Assets & Artwork
Topic: The effort to track all unvanquished assets in repositories
Replies: 17
Views: 29947

Re: The effort to track all unvanquished assets in repositories

307MB for everything is crazy small! Thanks a lot for all the cleanup! :smile:

by Viech
Sun Apr 16, 2017 11:25 am UTC
Forum: Map Releases
Topic: Stalkyard
Replies: 5
Views: 32289

Re: Stalkyard

illwieckz wrote:

Oh yes I remember (and recognize) this map!

Me too, I think I remember playing an early version of it in GPP. :smile: