Hi, I'm working on a new default bindings files that should give new players some functional binds to start with, while keeping the menus and the select-and-activate control for upgrades as an option.
Please discuss this and tell me what you think is missing. Keep in mind that this does not have to be a highly optimized, competitive set but a solid basis for newbes to build upon.
Code: Select all
// attack
bind MOUSE1 +attack
bind MOUSE2 +attack2
// select and use upgrade - primary
bind MWHEELUP weapprev
bind MWHEELDOWN weapnext
bind MOUSE3 +useitem
// select and use upgrade - secondary
bind [ weapprev
bind ] weapnext
bind ENTER +useitem
// jump and crouch
bind SPACE +moveup
bind ALT +movedown
// move - primary
bind w +forward
bind a +moveleft
bind s +back
bind d +moveright
// move - secondary
bind UPARROW +forward
bind DOWNARROW +back
bind LEFTARROW +left
bind RIGHTARROW +right
// interact with structures / evolve
bind q +activate
// deconstruct
bind e if !shift,!alt "/deconstruct" "/deconstruct marked"
// suicide
bind k kill // suicide
bind t messagemode // all
bind y messagemode2 // team - en keyboards
bind z messagemode2 // team - de keyboards
bind u messagemode3 // admins
bind i messagemode4 // irc
bind / messagemodec // command - en keyboards
bind o messagemodec // command - all keyboards
bind p +taunt
bind v +voiprecord
bind PAUSE pause
bind ESCAPE togglemenu
bind ~ toggleconsole
bind ` toggleconsole
// scoreboard
bind TAB +scores
bind PGUP scoresUp
bind PGDN scoresDown
// voting
bind F1 vote yes
bind F2 vote no
bind F3 teamvote yes
bind F4 teamvote no
// team selection
bind , team aliens
bind . team humans
bind - team spectator
bind F11 if !shift,!alt /screenshotPNG /screenshotJPEG
bind F12 vid_restart
// classes
teambind aliens 1 class level1
teambind aliens 2 class level1upg
teambind aliens 3 class level2
teambind aliens 4 class level2upg
teambind aliens 5 class level3
teambind aliens 6 class level3upg
teambind aliens 7 class level4
teambind aliens f class level0
teambind aliens g "class builderupg;class builder"
// combat
teambind aliens MOUSE3 +useitem
// movement
teambind aliens SHIFT +speed
// buy equipment
teambind humans 1 "sell weapon;buy psaw;buy rifle"
teambind humans 2 "sell weapon;buy shotgun;buy rifle
teambind humans 3 "sell weapon;buy lgun;buy rifle"
teambind humans 4 "sell weapon;buy mdriver;buy rifle"
teambind humans 5 "sell weapon;buy chaingun;buy rifle"
teambind humans 6 "sell weapon;buy flamer;buy rifle"
teambind humans 7 "sell weapon;buy prifle;buy rifle"
teambind humans 8 "sell weapon;buy lcannon;buy rifle"
teambind humans 9 "sell bsuit;buy larmour;buy helmet;buy ammo"
teambind humans 0 "sell battpack;sell jetpack;sell helmet;sell larmour;buy bsuit;buy ammo"
teambind humans g "buy gren"
teambind humans h "sell jetpack;buy battpack;buy ammo"
teambind humans j "sell battpack;buy jetpack;buy ammo"
teambind humans x "sell weapon;buy rifle;class rifle"
teambind humans c "sell weapon;buy ckit;class ckit"
// combat
teambind humans r "buy ammo;reload"
teambind humans f itemtoggle blaster
teambind humans AUX1 itemact medkit
teambind humans m itemact medkit
teambind humans AUX2 itemact gren
teambind humans < itemact gren
// movement
teambind humans SHIFT +sprint