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Development Game [ 2014-03-16 ]

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:45 pm UTC
by Viech



What has been tested?

  • Battery pack removed

  • Made the radar a back pack

  • Dretch health 35 → 30

  • Mantis health 80 → 75

  • Increased mantis pounce cooldown

  • Forlorn Alpha 6

  • Perseus


Individual Matches




Average over the last 45 matches (2014-01-18 to 2014-03-16)



EmperorJack got some feedback to base further development on Forlorn off. The battery pack removal was so smooth it nearly went unnoticed. Let's see if we can sneak in flying Tyrants next release.

Request for comment

Tell EmperorJack how you experienced different situations during the Forlorn matches. Provide more screenshots if you made some.

What's next?

NaCl is going into a release soon, so we'll postpone bigger scale gamelogic changes. After that we'll be pushing to get the rocket pod ingame, potentially with a placeholder model. As soon as there's a variance of humann defense structures to begin with, we will try to diversify alien attacks.